2024-07-02 20:08:37参考文献 学术堂 蒋老师
关于西方宗教的英语参考文献一: [1]Mark Stone. R. P. Buckley : The Night Journey and Ascension in Islam: The Reception of Religious Narrative in Sunni, Shii and Western Culture . London and New York : I.B. Taurus , 2013 ; pp. ix + 360.[J]. J Relig Hist,2015,391:. [2]James T. Richardson. Managing Religion and the Judicialization of Religious Freedom[J]. JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF RELIGION,2015,541:. [3]Stephen P. Stratton. Mindfulness and Contemplation: Secular and Religious Traditions in Western Context[J]. Counseling and Values,2015,601:. [4]Jeffrey A. Marx. The Role of Western Religious Values in Peacemaking for Divorcing Families[J]. Fam. Cou. Rev.,2015,533:. [5]Amy Adamczyk,Chunrye Kim,Lauren Paradis. Investigating Differences in How the News Media Views Homosexuality Across Nations: An Analysis of the United States, South Africa, and Uganda[J]. Sociol Forum,2015,304:. [6]Jonathan Fox,Yasemin Akbaba. Restrictions on the Religious Practices of Religious Minorities: A Global Survey[J]. Polit Stud,2015,635:. [7]Shin Jaeshik. MAPPING ONE WORLD: RELIGION AND SCIENCE FROM AN EAST ASIAN PERSPECTIVE[J]. Zygon?,2016,511:. [8]Hsu Kuang Tai. SCIENCE AND CONFUCIANISM IN RETROSPECT AND PROSPECT[J]. Zygon?,2016,511:. [9]Bronwen Neil. Studying Dream Interpretation from Early Christianity to the Rise of I slam[J]. J Relig Hist,2016,401:. [10]MELISSA GUZMAN. IMMIGRANT FAITH : PATTERNS OF IMMIGRANT RELIGION IN THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, AND WESTERN EUROPE . By Phillip Connor . New York and London : New York University Press , 2014 . vii + 165 pp. $75.00 cloth, $22.00 paper.[J]. JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF RELIGION,2015,544:. [11]Samuel L. Perry,Andrew L. Whitehead. Religion and Non traditional Families in the United States[J]. Sociology Compass,2016,105:. [12]AXEL MICHAELS,MANIK BAJRACHARYA,NIELS GUTSCHOW,MADELEINE HERREN,BERND SCHNEIDM?LLER,GERALD SCHWEDLER,ASTRID ZOTTER. NEPALESE HISTORY IN A EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE: A CASE STUDY IN TRANSCULTURAL HISTORIOGRAPHY[J]. History and Theory,2016,552:. [13]Jonas R. Kunst,Talieh Sadeghi,Hajra Tahir,David Sam,Lotte Thomsen. The vicious circle of religious prejudice: Islamophobia makes the acculturation attitudes of majority and minority members clash[J]. Eur. J. Soc. Psychol.,2016,462:. [14]Peter Smith. B abi– B aha'i Expansion and “Geo Cultural Breakthroughs”[J]. Journal of Religious History,2016,402:. [15]Fatmanur Ka?ar. Politics of Religion in Western Europe: Modernities in Conflict? , edited by F. Foret and X. It?aina ( Abingdon : Routledge , 2012 , ISBN 9780415595346 ); xvii + 265 pp., ?80.00 hb.[J]. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies,2016,544:. [16]Michael Fuller. INTO TERRA INCOGNITA: CHARTING BEYOND PETER HARRISON'S THE TERRITORIES OF SCIENCE AND RELIGION[J]. Zygon?,2016,513:. [17]Sylvie Avakian. Christianity and Secularisation in the West and the Middle East: A Theological Stance[J]. Journal of Religious History,2016,403:. [18]Ari Engelberg. Religious Zionist Singles: Caught Between “Family Values” and “Young Adulthood”[J]. JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF RELIGION,2016,552:. [19]DONNA MILLER. RELIGION AND IMMIGRATION : MIGRANT FAITHS IN NORTH AMERICA AND WESTERN EUROPE . Edited by Peter Kivisto . Malden, MA : Polity Press , 2014 . xii + 211 pp. $64.95 cloth, $22.95 paper.[J]. JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF RELIGION,2016,552:. [20]Du?anka ?urovi?,Marija Tiosavljevi?,Harisa ?abanovi?. Readiness to accept Western standard of beauty and body satisfaction among Muslim girls with and without hijab[J]. Scand J Psychol,2016,575:. [21]DARIO RANOCCHIARI,GLORIA CALABRESI. Ethnicity and Religion in the Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina[J]. Bull Lat Am Res,2016,354:. [22]Dorothy N.S. Chan,Winnie K.W. So. Strategies for recruiting South Asian women to cancer screening research and the lessons learnt[J]. J Adv Nurs,2016,7211:. [23]Ali Akbar. The Political Discourses of three Contemporary Muslim Scholars: Secular, Nonsecular, or Pseudosecular?[J]. Domes,2016,252:. [24]Yunsong Chen,Mark Williams. Subjective well being in the new China: religion, social capital, and social status[J]. The British Journal of Sociology,2016,674:. [25]Ryan Schram. “Tapwaroro is true”: Indigenous Voice and the Heteroglossia of Methodist Missionary Translation in British New Guinea[J]. J Linguist Anthropol,2016,263:.

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