2024-07-02 20:13:52参考文献 学术堂 王老师
我国的单片机起步虽然较晚,但经过几十年的发展,也取得了巨大的成就。不论是工业生产还是社会生活的各个方面都离不开单片机的使用。下面是搜素整理的单片机英文参考文献的分享,以供参考。 单片机英文参考文献一: [1]Hui Wang. Optimal Design of Single Chip Microcomputer Multi-machine Serial Communication based on Signal Verification Technology[J]. International Journal of Intelligent Information and Management Science,2020,9(1)。 [2]Philip J. Basford,Steven J. Johnston,Colin S. Perkins,Tony Garnock-Jones,Fung Po Tso,Dimitrios Pezaros,Robert D. Mullins,Eiko Yoneki,Jeremy Singer,Simon J. Cox. Performance analysis of single board computer clusters[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems,2020,102. [3]. Computers; Reports from University of Southampton Describe Recent Advances in Computers (Performance Analysis of Single Board Computer Clusters)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2020. [4]Yunyu Cao,Jinjin Dang,Chenxu Cao. Design of Automobile Digital Tire Pressure Detector[J]. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports,2019. [5]Sudad J. Ashaj,Ergun Er?elebi. Reduce Cost Smart Power Management System by Utilize Single Board Computer Artificial Neural Networks for Smart Systems[J]. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems,2019. [6]Hanhong Tan*, Yanfei Teng. Design of PWM Lighting brightness Control based on LAN QIAO Cup single Chip Microcomputer[J]. International Journal of Computational and Engineering,2019,4(3)。 [7]Yan Chen,Chunyan Ma,Xiangnan Hou,Yinke Dou,Rui Chen. Design and Implementation of a Polar Wind and Solar Hybrid Power Supply Controller[J]. Applied Sciences,2019,9(19)。 [8]Yang Cheng-ying,Chen Yong. Research on Multi-master Communication System Based on RS485 Bus[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2019,1237(4)。 [9]Hari Arief Dharmawan,Arinto Yudi P. Wardoyo,Chomsin S. Widodo. Acquisition of Voltage and Current Signals using A Single Board Computer for Online Monitoring of Powers[J]. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2019,546(3)。 [10]Stelian-Emilian Oltean. Mobile Robot Platform with Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi for Autonomous Navigation[J]. Procedia Manufacturing,2019,32. [11]Bansal, Sugandha,Shaikh, Salehabibi,Savani, Vijay. Automation of Disease Detection of Plant Leaf Using Single Board Computer and Internet of Things[J]. Sensor Letters,2019,17(4)。 [12]Xiang Zhou,Xinli Cao,Qianghu Yan,Min Lei. Research of a high voltage and high value resistors standard device[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2019,1187(2)。 [13]Liu Penghou,Chen Haichao,Du Yanzhe. Design of Multifunctional Intelligent Security Robot Based on Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2019,1187(3)。 [14]Marcel Gro?mann,Steffen Illig,Cornelius L. Matějka,Bing Wang. SensIoT: An Extensible and General Internet of Things Monitoring Framework[J]. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing,2019,2019. [15]Dr. Ing. Marius Milatz. Zur Anwendung von Einplatinen Computern in der bodenmechanischen Forschung und Lehre am Beispiel eines einaxialen Druckversuchs zur Untersuchung teilges?ttigter, granularer B?den[J]. geotechnik,2019,42(1)。 [16]Qin Li,Haidong Liu. Design of Solar Energy Automatic Tracking Control System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science,2019,242(2)。 [17]Steve Crossley,Ian Bucklow,Jonathan Stafford. Design, manufacture and deployment of a low-cost area radiation monitoring system using Raspberry Pi computers and open-source software[J]. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine,2019. [18]Yasen K. Paunski,Georgi Ts. Angelov. Performance and power consumption analysis of low-cost single board computers in educational robotics[J]. IFAC PapersOnLine,2019,52(25)。 [19]Dong Tingting,Lu Meijiu,Geng Liwei. Design of acid rain pH detector based on STC single chip microcomputer[J]. Chemical Engineering Transactions (CET Journal),2018,71. [20]Steven J. Johnston,Philip J. Basford,Colin S. Perkins,Herry Herry,Fung Po Tso,Dimitrios Pezaros,Robert D. Mullins,Eiko Yoneki,Simon J. Cox,Jeremy Singer. Commodity single board computer clusters and their applications[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems,2018,89. [21]Jiang Wenwen,Zhai Linbo,Gong Wenjing,Zhang Feifan,Gong Yuxin. Intelligent Wireless Environmental Monitoring System of University Laboratory Based on Internet of Things[J]. Internet of Things (IoT) and Engineering Applications,2016,1(1)。 [22]GuoYanhua, Wang Mingxia. Design of Intelligent Curtain Controller Based on Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. International Journal of Computational and Engineering,2016,1(4)。 [23]. GEMSTAR TECHNOLOGY; Patent Issued for Processing Method for Implementing High Resolution Output of Capacitive Touch Pad on Low-End Single-Chip Microcomputer (USPTO 9436333)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2016. [24]Christian Baun. Performance and Energy-Efficiency Aspects of Clusters of Single Board Computers[J]. International Journal of Distributed and Parallel systems,2016,7(2/3/4)。 [25]WeiZhang,JuanjuanXing,SenlinYang. The Design of Automatic Power-off Socket Based on the 51 SCM[J]. Journal of Residuals Science & Technology,2016,13(5)。 [26]QingheWang. Design and Implementation of a New Wireless Remote Control Cipher Lock System based on Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Journal of Residuals Science & Technology,2016,13(5)。 [27]Jun Lin, Baohai Yang, Zuyou Xiao, Li Wang. The Design of the Household Appliances Remote Control System Based on GSM[J]. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Innovation,2016,3(1)。 [28]A. Gómez,D. Cui?as,P. Catalá,L. Xin,W. Li,S. Conway,D. Lack. Use of Single Board Computers as Smart Sensors in the Manufacturing Industry[J]. Procedia Engineering,2015,132. [29]Manuel Caldas-Morgan,Alexander Alvarez-Rosario,Linilson Rodrigues Padovese. An Autonomous Underwater Recorder Based on a Single Board Computer[J]. PLOS ONE,2015,10(6)。 [30]Si Yuan Ren,Shi Liu,Can Song. Study on Time of Flight Measurement for Ultrasonic Tomography[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2015,3849. [31]Aryuanto Soetedjo,Ali Mahmudi,Mochammad Ibrahim Ashari,Yusuf Ismail Nakhoda. Low Cost Shooting Simulator Based on a Single Board Computer[J]. American Journal of Applied Sciences,2015,12(2)。 [32]Ting Wang,Hao Wang. Design of Water Heating and Temperature Control System Based on STC89C52[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2015,3827. [33]Xiu Ying Li,Cun Ping Liu,Rong Fang Mei. Fault Signal Detection System of Large Scale Integrated Circuit Based on Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2015,3752. [34]Jia Rong Wang,Xiao Dong Xia,Zong Da Zhang,Han Yang. Using Dual-Channel D/A Converters Design Successive Approximation A/D Converter[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2015,3749. [35]Jun Hai Jiang,Zhi Guo Xiao. A Study on Liquid Level Measurement and Control System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2015,3744. [36]Jun Hai Jiang,Xian Wei Wang. Application of Single Chip Microcomputer Technology in the Measurement of the Motion of the Rod Body[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2015,3744. [37]Meng Yi Zhang,Yi Zhang. Development of a Control System of Testing Machine for Rock Breaking Based on Single-Chip Microcomputer[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2015,3723. [38]De Yong Liu. Design of Intelligent System of Check on Work Attendance[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2015,3716. [39]Xiao Feng Li. Guard against Theft Detector Design Based on Single Chip Microcomputer Signal Processing Technology[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2015,3716. [40]. Computational Fluid Mechanics; Investigators from Lanzhou University of Technology Release New Data on Computational Fluid Mechanics (Thermal And Flow Fields In Single Board Computer Cabin Systems Using Cfd Analysis)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2015. 单片机英文参考文献二: [41]Jing Wang,Zhong Yu Xi. Research on the Visual Self-Stabilization System of the Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,3282. [42]Dong Jin Yang,Hao Ding Han,Yan Zhang. Multi-Function Stepper Motor Design Based on MCS[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2014,3247. [43]Cheng Yao Zhong. An Automatic Controlling System of Flushing in Washroom[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2014,3227. [44]Jian Yun Xiong. Design and Implementation of Greenhouse Temperature and Humidity Remote Monitoring Based on Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,3207. [45]Jun Liang Liu,Zi Lun Li,Luo Cheng Li,Zi Jie Song. The Integration and Innovation Design of Single Chip Computer and NC Machine Tool Control[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2014,3181. [46]Xiang Jin Wang,Guo Dong Li,Zhi Lu Zhang,Zhe Li. Design on Light Geodesic Instrument Semi-Physical Simulation Training System Based on Virtual Scene[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2014,3181. [47]Zhi Jian Yin,Qiang Luo,Kun Xiang,Fan Wang. Based on the Design of the Single Chip Microcomputer Numerical Control Constant Current Source[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2014,3181. [48]Yu Jie Chen,Pei Xue Liu,Pei Fen Jin,Ying Jing Guo. The Design of Elderly Apartment Infusion Monitoring System Based on Wireless Module APC220[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2014,3181. [49]Zhi Chun Zhang,Song Wei Li,Wei Ren Wang,Wei Zhang,Li Jun Qi. Single Chip Microcomputer Cluster Management[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2014,3160. [50]Xiao Lan Yang,Ji Feng Liu,Meng Nan Si,Jia Wei Li,Biao Huang. Advance Control Experiment of Vibration Machine with High Vibration Intensity Based on SCM – Dynamics Characteristics and Advanced Control[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2014,3137. [51]Qiang Jiang. The Design of 25KV High-Frequency High-Voltage Power Supply[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2014,3137. [52]Xin Juan Shang. The Design of the NC Teaching Plotter Based on Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2014,3079. [53]Feng Yan Wang,Lin Jing Wang. Design of 3D Display Dream Based on Main Control Chip[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,3066. [54]Xian Guang Fan,Zhen Bang Hu,Ying Jie Xu,Xiu Fen Wang,Xin Wang,Yong Zuo. Pulsed Driver Control System for High-Power LED[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,3138. [55]Jian Jun Zhang,Jin Bao Yang,Jia Lang Yang. The Design of a Physical Education Subject Testing System[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,3047. [56]Chao Zhang,Jian Zhao,Qiang Wei. Application of Multi-Computer Communication among Single-Chip Microcomputers on Distributed Data Acquisition[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,2987. [57]Ming Zhong Duan,Zhi Li. Example Research of Numerical Control Innovation of the Common Machine Tool[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,3009. [58]Jian Jun Zhang,Jin Bao Yang,Zhi Min Tang,Hao Lan,Hai Jun Lin. The Design of a Basketball Goal Automatic Detector[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,3006. [59]Dr. G. Velmurugan. Exploration and Application of Micro-project Learning in SCM Classroom Teaching Reform[J]. The Veterinary Nurse,2014,1(4)。
[60]Li Chao Ma,Ke Zhao,Li Fu Zhang,Han Yang. Based on Single Chip Microcomputer and C# Carving Machine Control System Design[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014,2963. [61]Gong Chang Ren,Bo Chen,Qing Ye,Yong Fei Wang. Research and Realization of the New Fiber-Optic Liquid-Level Gauge[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013,2181. [62]Xue Jiao He,Xiao Li Wang,Zhi Fu Huang. Research and Application of Voice Chip in Pedestrian Voice Unit of Electric Vehicles[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013,2171. [63]Yun Yang,Yue Zhu. Based on Serial Port Class Implements of SCM and PC Serial Communication Program Design[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2013,2177. [64]Yan Gao,Li Na Jia,Bo Wang,Li Hua Liu,Li Ming Huang. High Precision Ultrasonic Ranging System for Mobile Robot Navigation[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013,2142. [65]Shu Fa Chen,Cheng Long Feng,Shi Ping Zhang. Design and Research on Variable-Rate Fertilization Computer Control System[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013,2142. [66]Yan Quan Wang,Gang Wang. A Design of Intelligent Car Based on STC89S52 Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2013,2095. [67]Fei Xie,Fei Zhong,Shan Ting Ding,Xuan Ze Wang. Intelligent Temperature Controlling System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,2077. [68]Zhi Yuan Cai,Hong Yuan Ai. Design of an Intelligent Controller for Control and Protective Switching Based on Profibus[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,2074. [69]De Yong Liu,Hong Song,Zhi Qiang Kong. Based on Single Chip Microcomputer Heating Temperature Automatic Control System[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,2076. [70]Qian Zhao,Shan Zhen Xu,Qi Chen,Cheng Wang. Study on the Temperature and Speed Test System[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,2075. [71]Jin Hu Song. Research of Automatic Welding Machine Controlling System Based Single-Chip[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,2016. [72]Zhi Jun Zhang,Hong Lei Jia,Ji Yu Sun,Meng Feng. X6132 Universal Milling Machine Computer Numerical Control Transformation[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,1917. [73]Qi Zhi Huang,Ke Li,Kai Yin. Design and Realization of Vehicle Exhaust Gas Measurer Based on CPLD[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,1945. [74]Jian Li. Design and Development of Single Chip Microcomputer (SCM) General Experimental Platform[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,1935. [75]Chun Xiao Hu,Hua Bing Zhu,Hui Juan Ye. Simulator of Hydraulic Supercharger Based on Virual Instrument[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,1912. [76]Yan Qiu Sun. The Design of the Marine Temperature Sensor Verifier Based on Single-Chip Microcomputer[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,1909. [77]Jian Liu. Design of Granary Temperature Monitoring System Based on Virtual Instrument Technology[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,1898. [78]Shu Ya Zhi,An Bang Gao. Development and Design of LonWorks Intelligent Nodes[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,1898. [79]Jian Yu Wang,Shao Zhong Li. ISP Technology's Application in Remote Upgrade for the Intelligent Instruments[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,1898. [80]Qiang Xu,Qian Zhang,Kai Chun Ren,Xing Qi Zhang,Shi Gang Li. Adaptive Control Research and Design Based on STC Single-Chip Microcomputer[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,1791. 单片机英文参考文献三: [81]W.C. Wang,L. Wang. Design of Moisture Content Detection System[J]. Physics Procedia,2012,33. [82]Yongxian Song,Juanli Ma,Xianjin Zhang,Yuan Feng. Design of Wireless Sensor Network-Based Greenhouse Environment Monitoring and Automatic Control System[J]. Journal of Networks,2012,7(5)。 [83]Yongxian Song,Juanli Ma,Xianjin Zhang,Yuan Feng. Design of Wireless Sensor Network-Based Greenhouse Environment Monitoring and Automatic Control System[J]. Journal of Networks,2012,7(5)。 [84]Jing Lin Tong,Bo Li,Xiao Bo Wang. The Motion Control System of Servomotor Based on CAN Bus[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,1758. [85]Jun Ying Li. Control System Design of Intelligent Water Meter[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,1700. [86]???,???,??,???,???. ???? ????(SF57HHT) ?????? ??? ??[J]. ????????????,2012,21(2)。 [87]Lian Min Cao,Qing Liang Zeng,Xing Yuan Xiao,Xin Zhang. Serial Communication of PC and SCM in Distributed Control System[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,1686. [88]Lin Jin,Tong Zhao,Qiang Liu. Granary Temperature and Humidity Detection System[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,1643. [89]Hong Li. Analysis and Design of a New Digital Interphone[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,1682. [90]Song, Yongxian,Gong, Chenglong,Feng, Yuan,Ma, Juanli,Chen, Chao. Design and Simulation of Dot-Matrix Display Circuit Based on Proteus in Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics,2012,7(2)。 [91]Zhi Xiang Li,Jing Zheng. A Transmission Control System's Research for a Nursing Bed with Four Transmissions Driven by a Single Motor[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,1510. [92]Qi Rong Lu,Yan Bing Wei,Bing Huang,Dong Mei Gao. A Method of Lower S/N Signal Detection by Amplifier and Computer[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,1566. [93]Bo Ran Han,Zheng Liu,You Zhou,Kai Zhou. Queue System Based on GSM Modem and Single Chip Microcomputer's Communication[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,1566. [94]Guang Li Long. Design of GPS Based on Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,1549. [95]Li Kang. Hand Flat Knitting Machine Speech Counter System Design - Based on Single-Chip Microcomputer[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,1518. [96]Yue Mei Han. Development and Design of Dance Robot Based on Single-Chip Microcomputer AT90S8535[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2012,1518. [97]Hong Ke Xu,Hang Yan,Chao Cai,Shu Guang Li,Mao De Yan. Design and Realization of Multi-Stage Traffic Signal Controller of Variable Phase[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,1511. [98]Yin Ping Jiang,Shan Liu,Yun Hua Yang. Research on Vehicle Fuel Consumption Measuring System Based on Radio Frequency Communication Technology[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,1511. [99]Xu Mei. The Designs of Intellectual Lighting Control System Based on 51 Single-Chip[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,1503. [100]Udayanto Dwi Atmojo, Litasari,Astria Nur Irfansyah. Single Board Computer Based Building Security Management System: Contactless Smart Card for Automatic Door Access Control System[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,1471. [101]. ??Single Board Computer??? ??????? I/F??[J]. Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering,2011,15(3)。 [102]Li Jun Bi,Hong Yu Sun,Shou Shan Liu. Development of an Intellectualized Wireless Infusion Control/Monitoring System[J]. Key Engineering Materials,2011,1272. [103]Anonymous. WinSystems Releases Single Board Computer[J]. Wireless News,2011. [104]Shuang Li An,Rui Qian,Xiang Yu Lu,Yuan Lu. Development of Energy Saving Control System for Street Lamps Based on SCM[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2011,1335. [105]Anonymous. Sealevel Systems Develops Compact Single Board Computer[J]. Wireless News,2011. [106]Li Wang,Yong Fang Lu,Fu Zhong Wang. Thinking and Methodology in Programming Teaching of Single-Chip Microcomputer[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2011,1290. [107]Anonymous. Brimar Limited Selects GE Single Board Computers[J]. Wireless News,2011. [108]Xin Qi,Di Shu,Wang Hao,YunLong Chen,Juan Chen. Development of Digital Microscale Dissolved Oxygen Analytical System[J]. Procedia Engineering,2011,15. [109]Wu Jin Zhou. Research and Implementation of Embedded Network Controller Software Platform based on the Internet[J]. Energy Procedia,2011,13. [110]Rui Jiang,Yaqi Xu,Zhen Huang,Zheng Ma. Wireless Environmental Monitoring Device[J]. Procedia Engineering,2011,15. [111]Xiao Chen,Jianxiang Chen. Design of an arbitrary waveform signal generator[J]. Procedia Engineering,2011,15. [112]Tianbing Ma,Fei Du,Chuanzhi Fang. Sensors State Monitoring based on LabVIEW and Wireless Nodes[J]. Procedia Engineering,2011,15. [113]???,???. ?? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ? ??[J]. ???????????,2011,16(2)。 [114]Shuang Chen,Wu Jun Lai,Feng Liu. Study on Rebuilding of X53 Milling Machine for Numerical Control[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2011,1220. [115]Anonymous. Boundary Devices; Boundary Devices Announces i.MX535-based Single Board Computer[J]. News of Science,2011. [116]Song, Yongxian,Feng, Yuan,Ma, Juanli,Zhang, Xianjin. Design of LED Display Control System Based on AT89C52 Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Journal of Computers,2011,6(4)。 [117]Yongxian Song,Yuan Feng,Juanli Ma,Xianjin Zhang. Design of LED Display Control System Based on AT89C52 Single Chip Microcomputer[J]. Journal of Computers,2011,6(4)。 [118]Anonymous. Boundary Devices Releases Single Board Computer[J]. Wireless News,2011. [119]Anonymous. GE Releases New Rugged Single Board Computers[J]. Wireless News,2011. [120]Limin Chen,Jiang Zhu. System Development of the Service Robot[J]. Advanced Materials Research,2011,1035. 以上就是单片机英文参考文献的全部内容,希望看后对你有所启发。

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