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2024-11-06 21:16:36公共管理硕士论文 学术堂 赵飞
  摘 要  
  改革开放以来,我国的经济发展取得了举世瞩目的成绩,国内生产总值从1978 年的 0.36 万亿元上升到 2018 年的 90.03 万亿元,人民的生活水平也随着经济发展显着提升。但是,经济的快速发展也引发了一些日趋凸显的社会深层次矛盾,其中人民群众对于基本公共服务的需求与当前基本公共服务提供水平不高且非均等的矛盾迫切需要解决。对于这种情况,党和政府高度重视,不断采取措施,加大基本公共服务均等化的推进工作,党的十八届三中全会报告中指出:“推进社会领域制度创新,推进基本公共服务均等化,加快形成科学有效的社会治理体制。”党的十九大报告又指出,要完善公共服务体系,保障群众基本生活,不断满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要。推进基本公共服务均等化,对于促进社会公平正义、增进人民福祉、增强全体人民在共建共享发展中的获得感、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,都具有十分重要的意义。因此,如何为广大人民群众提供高水平、均等化的基本公共服务已经成为当前我国政府的重要课题之一,公共服务均等化问题的研究也在国内学术界广泛开展,并卓有成效,但是距离实现基本公共服务均等化仍有较大差距。
  近年来,蚌埠市经济社会快速发展,各项事业取得了显着成就,在 2017 年更是荣膺“第五届全国文明城市”称号,基本公共服务的供给水平也有一定提高。但基本公共服务均等化仍存在许多问题,究其根源,主要是由于蚌埠市城乡二元体制尚未根本消除、城乡居民收入差距拉大、完善的公共财政体制还未建立和基本公共服务均等化推进过程中缺乏具体的执行标准等原因造成的。本文希望深入研究蚌埠市基本公共服务均等化问题,并为蚌埠市基本公共服务均等化的实现建言献策。
  接着,本文以蚌埠市为研究切入点,主要采用文献研究法、案例研究法等方法,通过研究蚌埠市在基础教育服务、公共医疗卫生、基本社会保障等方面的基本公共服务现状,分析蚌埠市基本公共服务均等化存在的问题及其原因。 “十三五”期间,蚌埠市将按照普惠性、保基本、均等化、可持续的基本要求,健全基本公共服务制度,完善服务项目和标准,强化公共资源投入保障,不断提高共建能力和共享水平,加快构建健康蚌埠、文化蚌埠、安居蚌埠、和谐蚌埠、人文蚌埠,努力提升群众获得感、公平感、安全感和幸福感,实现全市人民共同迈入全面小康社会。当前,蚌埠市基础教育服务主要存在城乡发展不均衡、办学条件不均衡、师资力量不均衡三个问题;蚌埠市公共医疗卫生服务主要存在医疗卫生资源配置不均等、医疗卫生技术人员配置不均等、对医疗卫生服务利用不均等三个问题;蚌埠市基本社会保障方面主要存在参保人数不均衡、社会救济不均衡两个问题。蚌埠市基础教育服务、公共医疗卫生服务和基本社会保障方面存在这些问题的主要原因有:一是公共财政制度不够完善,二是公共服务的体系存在缺陷,三是公共服务的供给模式单一。
  关键词:  公共服务;均等化;蚌埠市。
  Since the reform and opening up, China's economic development has made remarkable achievements. Its gross domestic product has risen from 0.36 trillion yuan in 1978 to 90.03 trillion yuan in 2018, and the people's living standards have also improved significantly with the economic development. However, the rapid economic development has also led to some increasingly prominent social deep-seated contradictions, among which the contradiction between the people's demand for basic public services and the current level of basic public services is not high and unequal urgently needs to be solved. In view of this situation, the Party and the government attach great importance to and take continuous measures to enhance the equalization of basic public services. In the report of the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Party, it points out: "Promoting institutional innovation in the social field, promoting the equalization of basic public services, and accelerating the formation of a scientific and effective social governance system." The report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China also pointed out that the public service system should be improved, the basic life of the masses should be guaranteed, and the people's growing needs for a better life should be constantly met.
  Promoting the equalization of basic public services is of great significance for promoting social equity and justice, enhancing people's well-being, enhancing the sense of all the people in the process of joint construction and development, and realizing the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Therefore,how to provide high-level and equalized basic public services for the broad masses ofthe people has become one of the important topics of our government. The research on Equalization of public services has also been carried out extensively in domestic academic circles and achieved fruitful results, but there is still a big gap to achieve the equalization of basic public services.
  In recent years, Bengbu has witnessed rapid economic and social development,and has made remarkable achievements in various undertakings. In 2017, Bengbu won the title of "the Fifth National Civilized City", and the supply level of basic public services has also improved to a certain extent. However, there are still many problems in the equalization of basic public services. The main reasons are that thedual system of urban and rural areas in Bengbu has not been completely eliminated, the income gap between urban and rural residents has widened, the perfect public finance system has not been established, and the lack of specific implementation standards in the process of promoting the equalization of basic public services. This paper hopes to study the equalization of basic public services in Bengbu, and providesuggestions for the realization of the equalization of basic public services in Bengbu.
  Firstly, this paper defines the basic connotation of the equalization of basic public services in China on the basis of domestic and foreign research on basic public services, starting from the characteristics of the current stage of China's economic and social development and the needs of people's lives.
  Then, this paper takes Bengbu City as the starting point, mainly using the methods of literature research and case study, through studying the basic public service status of Bengbu City in basic education services, public health, basic social security and other aspects, to analyze the problems and causes of the equalization of basic public services in Bengbu City. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, Bengbuwill improve its basic public service system, improve its service items and standards,strengthen the guarantee of public resources investment, continuously improve its co-construction capacity and sharing level, and speed up the construction of healthy Bengbu, cultural Bengbu and peaceful Bengbu in accordance with the basic requirements of inclusiveness, basic protection, equalization and sustainabledevelopment. Harmonious Bengbu and Humanistic Bengbu should strive to enhance the sense of access, fairness, security and well-being of the masses, so as to achieve a well-off society in an all-round way for the people of Bengbu. At present, the basic education services in Bengbu mainly have three problems: unbalanced distribution of schools, unbalanced conditions of running schools and unbalanced teachers. Thepublic health services in Bengbu mainly have three problems: unequal allocation of medical and health resources, unequal allocation of medical and health technicians and unequal utilization of medical and health services. There are three main problems in Bengbu's basic social security: the uneven number of insured people, the uneven income and expenditure of social security, and the uneven social relief. The main reasons for these problems in basic education services, public health services and basic social security in Bengbu City are as follows: first, the public finance system is not perfect enough; second, the public service system is defective; third, the supply mode of public service is single.
  Finally, on the basis of earnestly studying the advanced measures and successful experiences of some domestic cities and foreign countries in promoting social public services, this paper puts forward some countermeasures to promote the equalization of basic public services in Bengbu. In view of the problems existing in the equalization of basic public services in Bengbu City, the main countermeasures proposed in this paper include: first, to build a scientific public finance system; second, to improve the relevant public service system; third, to rationally innovate the supply mode of public services.
  This paper analyses the problems Bengbu faces fundamentally, draws lessons from the strengths and weaknesses, draws lessons from the experience and quintessence according to the current development of other countries and cities, and puts forward valuable suggestions from the practical sense, aiming at promoting the construction of basic public services in Bengbu and striving to promote the equalization of basic public services in Bengbu.
  Keywords:  public services;equalization;Bengbu.
  第 1 章 绪论.
  1.1 研究背景和意义.
  1.1.1 研究背景.

  当前,蚌埠市在城镇发展方面已经有了一套自己的体制,即以中心城市和城镇为核心,并且大力发展城镇建设。2018 年,蚌埠市城镇化率达到 57.2%,相比2017 年的 55.31%年提高了 3.42 个百分点,进入了城镇化发展的中级阶段,处于快速发展的黄金期[2]。但是,蚌埠市公共服务资源的分配不均衡问题日益突出,让其均等化建设始终难以有效推进。
  1.1.2 研究意义.
  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.3 研究的主要内容
  1.4 研究思路和方法
  1.5 特色与创新之处
  第二章 公共服务均等化的理论阐述
  2.1 相关概念界定
  2.2 公共服务均等化的理论依据
  第三章 蚌埠市基本公共服务均等化概况
  3.1 蚌埠市推进基本公共服务均等化的基本条件
  3.2 蚌埠市推进基本公共服务均等化的进展
  第四章 蚌埠市基本公共服务均等化存在的问题及原因
  4.1 蚌埠市基本公共服务均等化存在的问题
  4.2 蚌埠市基本公共服务不均等的原因
  第五章 国内外基本公共服务均等化的措施与借鉴
  5.1 西方发达国家基本公共服务均等化的措施
  5.2 国内城市基本公共服务均等化的成功经验
  5.3 启示与借鉴
  第六章 推动蚌埠市基本公共服务均等化的对策
  6.1 推动蚌埠市基本公共服务均等化的整体思路
  6.2 构建科学的公共财政制度
  6.3 完善相关的公共服务体系建设
  6.4 创新多元的公共服务供给模式
  6.5 推进重点领域建设的具体措施

  6.5.3 推进基本社会保障均等化。

  加快社会保险全覆盖。社会保障制度完善化是人民的迫切需求,就社会保险而言,蚌埠市需要完成 99%以上的社保覆盖率最终达到社会成员社保全覆盖。建立统一的城乡居民基本医疗保险制度和大病保险制度,实现覆盖范围、筹资政策、保障待遇、医保目录、定点管理和基金管理“六统一”。构建统一规范的人力资源和社会保障信息资源库,全面发行加载金融功能社会保障卡,努力实现持卡人口覆盖率达到 90%以上,推进社会保障卡应用功能逐步拓展。


